how to check internet speed in your computer or smart phone?

Now Days we everyone use internet without internet we are nothing. so that very much improtant our internet speed. When we are use our laptop,desktop,smartphone or any other internet devices that time we don't no about our internet speed. i know many people know how to check internet speed but all people now know how to check internet speed that the reason i write this blog. which people don't know how to check internet than please reed this bellow tips-

At first connect your device properly in internet for example you use smartphone than you can turn on your mobile data.
otherwiseyou can use computer than you can properly check computer's ethernet option. then you can open any browser like google chrome than click on the URL bar and type WWW.FAST.COM now you can see your internet speed.

If you any problem to this topic than please tell me in the comment section. Thank you.

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